A glade in the moonlight: exchanging secrets
31.03 — 30.04.16

Galeria Superfície is pleased to inaugurate exhibition A glade in the moonlight: exchanging secrets, collective exhibition by Ana Miguel and Nazareno Rodrigues. In common, in addition to the friendship that has been going on for more than 20 years, there is a deep interest in human relationships, literature and the universe of fairy tales. In the works of Ana Miguel (Rio de Janeiro, 1962) words, the sliding of the senses and the experience of time, feelings and affections are the material to build the disconcerting and humorous work. Nazareno Rodrigues (São Paulo, 1967) also addresses the details of human relationships, as well as issues related to childhood, fairy tales, games, among other things that we understand as memory and history.

We can turn to the fairy tale to free ourselves from the “mythical nightmare”, the dogmas that can paralyze our thinking and our action. Because “…the character of the animal that helps a child shows that nature prefers to associate itself with man than with myth. The fairy tale taught mankind centuries ago, and continues to teach children today, that the best thing to do is to face the forces of the mythical world with cunning and insolence”. For the exhibition that we are presenting as of March 31, the artists invite us to walk along paths and trails in the enchanted forest, revealing some secrets and tricks.