CONTEXTO – Suplemento Cultural

Álvaro de Sá; Anchieta Fernandes; Antonio Luiz M. Andrade

Printed on offset paper –  45 x 76 cm
With texts about visual poetry and Poema/Processo: “Affonso Ávila ou a semiologia da palavra” by Álvaro de Sá; “Tambores visuais” by Anchieta Fernandes; “Visualização do Poema” by Antonio Luiz M. Andrade. Section of the newspaper A República, Natal, Sept. 17th 1978.

Ditadura é uma merda

Cildo Meireles

Newspaper, color print on offset paper – 31,7 x 56 cm
Cildo Meireles for Folha Ilustrada C3, São Paulo, Oct. 10th 2020.

Contexto – Suplemento Cultural

Falves Silva; Jota Medeiros

Newspaper, black and white print on offset paper, tabloid pattern – 58 x 38 cm (4 pages)
With visual poem by Falves Silva (front page) and text by J. Medeiros entited “Poética Visual e Comuicação”.
Section of the newspaper A República, Natal, Aug. 20th 1978.

Contexto – Suplemento Cultural

Álvaro de Sá; Paulo Bruscky; Clemente Padín; ALMAndrade; Ivan Maurício; Joaquim Branco; J. Medeiros

Newspaper, black and white print on offset paper, tabloid pattern – 58 x 38 cm (4 pages)
With text by Álvaro de Sá (front page) “Affonso Ávila ou a semiologia da palavra – Parte I”. Visual poems by: Paulo Bruscky; Clemente Padín; ALMAndrade; Ivan Maurício; Joaquim Branco. Text by Jota Medeiros about Zila Mamed (second page).
Cultural section of newspaper A República, Natal, Sept. 3rd 1978.

Contexto – Suplemento Cultural

Jota Medeiros; Falves Silva; Moacy Cirne

Newspaper, printed on offset paper, tabloid pattern – 58 x 38 cm (4 pages)
With visual poem by J. Medeiros and text by Moacy Cirne – “Da Vanguarda (Anti)Literária e Outras Questões” (both on the front page). Section of the newspaper A República, Natal, June 26th 1977.

Contexto – Suplemento Cultural

J. Medeiros; Falves Silva; Anchieta Fernandes; Moacy Cirne

Newspaper, black and white print on offset paper, tabloid pattern – 58 x 38 cm (4 pages)
With visual poems by J. Medeiros and Falves Silva. Texts by Moacy Cirne – “A produtividade (anti)literária de Falves Silva”; J. Medeiros coauthor with Anchieta Fernandes – “Cambiu, informações nordestinas”, about mail art.
Section of the newspaper A República, natal, July 3rd 1977.

Contexto – Suplemento Cultural

Tomasz Schulz; Falves Silva; J. Medeiros; Henryk Bzdok; Carlos Alberto Azevedo; Paulo Brusky e Daniel Santiago

Newspaper, monochrome print on offset paper, tabloid pattern – 58 x 38 cm (4 páginas)
With images by Tomasz Schulz and Henryk Bzdok (Poland); Equipe Proposta; Paulo Brusky and Daniel Santiago; Falves Silva; J. Medeiros; and Carlos Alberto Azevedo (Portugal).
Cultural section of A República, Natal, July 1st 1978.

Contexto Suplemento Cultural

Dailor Varela; Falves Silva

Newspaper, black and white print on offset paper, tabloid pattern, 58 x 38 cm (4 pages)
With text entitled “Cotidiano n.4” by Dailor Varela and review of Falves Silva’s exhibition “Olho Mágico”. Cultural section of the newspaper A República, Natal, Oct. 8th 1978.

Suplemento da Tribuna

Álvaro de Sá

Newspaper, black and white print on offset paper, 42 x 28,5 cm – 8 pages

Cover indicates Álvaro de Sá’s critical essay (on pages 6 and 7): new chapter of “Modernist Convergence to Concrete Poetry”, approaching the ideological mechanisms of the 1922 Modern Art Week in São Paulo and the background for the Concrete Poetry movement. Published on Suplemento da Tribuna, yeaar VI, n. 303, Rio de Janeiro, March 3rd and 4th 1979.

Contexto – Suplemento Cultural

Neide Dias de Sá

Jornal, impressão preto e branco sobre off-set, formato tabloide, em papel jornal. 58 x 38 cm – 4 páginas.

Suplemento cultural do jornal A República, publicado em natal. Capa reproduz obras de Neide Dias de Sá intituladas “Prismas”, “Estruturas”, “Circunferências”, “Níveis de leitura” (de 1973) e “Caixa” (1970), e intruções de manuseio com as obras para seu “público consumidor”.


“Os livros-poemas de Neide Sá Dias”

Neide Dias de Sá

Xerox of newspaper Tribuna da Imprensa on Neide Dias de Sá’s exhibition at the gallery Macunaíma in FUNARTE, Rio de Janeiro, showing her books-poems. 20 x 15 cm.

12 December 1985

“Poteiro. And book-poem at FUNARTE”

Neide Dias de Sá

Xerox of page from newspaper O Globo about Neide Dias de Sá’s exhibition at gallery Macunaíma in FUNARTE, Rio de Janeiro, showing her books-poems.

13 de dezembro de 1985

“Dolls and poems to manipulate”

Neide Dias de Sà

Xerography of page from the newspaper O Globo. Text on Neide Dias de Sá’s exhibition at the gallery Macunaíma in FUNARTE, Rio de Janeiro, showing her poems-books.

8 de dezembro de 1985

“The Age of Creation”

Wlademir Dias-Pino; Neide Dias de Sá

4 pages from Jornal dos Transportes – Caderno de Casa with text by Wlademir Dias-Pino on Neide Dias de Sá’s activity as an art eucator during 6 years in the Parque Darci Vargas of the Secretaria de Cultura do Estado da Guanabara (Departamento de Educação Física), presenting drawings by kids made in Neide’s workshops. 36,5 x 28 cm.


Concrete Prose

Text by Theon Spanudis on Reynaldo Jardim

Published in “Jornal do Brasil”
on July 24th 1959, page 6

At the MAM, a global vision of the concretism

Luiz Arnaldo
News on the exhibition “Brazilian Constructive Project in the Arts (1959-1962)” at the Modern Art Museum of Rio de Janeiro, 1977

Published in the newspaper “O Globo”
on July 14th, 1977 page.41


Grupo REX, 1967

Facsimile – print on paper, 48 x 66 cm

Published on May 25th 1967. 1 sheet printed front and back folded in 4 pages.


Grupo REX, 1967

Facsimile – print on paper, 48 x 66 cm

Published on March 10th 1967.
1 sheet printed front and back folded in 4 pages.


Grupo REX, 1966

Facsimile – print on paper, 48 x 66 cm

Published on Oct. 21, 1966. 1 sheet printed front and back folded in 4 pages.


Grupo REX, 1966

Facsimile – print on paper, 30,5 x 21 cm

Published on Sept. 9th 1966. 1 sheet printed front and back.


Grupo REX, 1966

Facsimile – print on paper, 48 x 66 cm

Piblished on Jun. 3rd 1966.
1 sheet printed front and back, folded in 4 pages.