Bureaucratic Notebook

Gabriel Borba

Artist’s book, xerography on paper – 31 x 21,5 cm, 66 pages.
Work made during Borba’s participation in the collective show Jovem Arte Contemporânea, MAC-USP, 1972.
Published by Cooperativa de Artistas Plásticos de São Paulo.

Sep. 1980


Alex Vallauri, Amélia Toledo, Paulo Roberto França, Ana Maria Tavares, Anna Bella Geiger, Artur Matuck, Dario Chiaverini, Bernardo Caro, Francisco Iñarra, Gabriel Borba, Genilson Soares, Gerson Zanini, Hudinilson Jr., Iole de Freitas, Julio Plaza, Loris Machado, Manfredo de Souzaneto, Mary Dritschel, Norma Cardoso, Percival Tirapeli, Rafael França, Regina Silveira, Regina Vater, Roberto Okumura.

Poster, printed on paper – 31 x 21 cm
Exhibition at MAC/USP, organized by Harumi Yamagashi and Elvira Vernaschi.

4 de novembro de 1981

Mail Art Office

Gabriel Borba; Hudinilson Jr.; Rafel França; Michel Corfou; e outros

Folder, printed on coated paper – 22 x 31,5 cm
Mail art exhibition at CCSP.


Donated by Gabriel Borba

Money’s price

Gabriel Borba

Poster, printed on paper – 31 x 21,1 cm
Call for Borba’s performance to take place at the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, 8 pm, on Aug. 27th 1980.


Gabriel Borba

Artists publication, envelop – 23 x 17 cm
11 mimeography on paper sheets –  30,5 x 21,5 cm cada
Texts by Borba written between 1973 and 1977


Donated by Gabriel Borba

EVENT Fim de Década

3NÓS3; Hudnilson Jr.; Rafael França; Mario Ramiro; Renato Brancatelli;  Fernanda Andrade Pompeu; Viajou Sem Passaporte;

Catalog, printed on paper – 30 x 30 cm, 32 pages.
Texts and images.



3NÓS3 and Hudinilson Jr. to Renato Brancatelli

Xerography and rubber stamp on paper – 25 x 18 cm.
Stamps: Xerox Action, 3NÓS3 and Hudinilson Jr.
Content: Hudinilson’s work from 1980 made of collage with paper, wooden piece and paint on cardboard – 14 x 18 cm.


Fim de Década

3NÓS3; Hudinilson Jr.

Invitation to art event on the street
Papel datilografado com colagem – 32,5 x 21,5 cm
Xerography  página de jornal Folha de São Paulo (Dez. 9th 1979) about event “Fim de Década” in Praça da Sé, São Paulo, to happen on Dec. 13th, 1979.


Fim de Década para ZHÔ


Stamps, rubber stamp and labels on craft paper and photographs – 23 x 33 cm (envelop)
1 postcard of “Urban Intervention” by 3NÓS3 – 11,7 x 18 cm
1 photo of intervention in Galeria Bonfiglioli – 9 x 12 cm


Estive no Fim da Década

Bené Fonteles; Regina Silveira

Xerography on paper – 22 x 33 cm
Copy of newspaper Jornal da Tarde’s page with works by Regina Silveira and Bené Fonteles in the event “End of the Decade”.

Dated: Dec. 13th 1979

Estive no Fim da Década

3NÓS3; Rafael França; Renato Brancatelli; Mario Ramiro e Hudinilson Jr.; Fernando Antonio Carvalhal; Leonardo Frank Duch; Rafael França

Mail art, envelopwith xerography on papel – 35,5 x 22 cm


Poema Postal

Augusto de Campos to Ubirajara Ribeiro

Postcard, printed on paper – 10 x 14,5 cm
Sent on May 27th, 1973.



Augusto de Campos

Reprodução em off-set – 32 x 24 cm



Rafael França

Mail art – postcard, print on paper – 11 x 15,5 cm



Rafael França

Xerography on paper – varied dimension around 31,5 x 21,8 cm


Poesia Espacial

Wlademir Dias-Pino

Photographs on photographic paper – 12 x 18 cm
Records of Dias-Pino’s participation in the “Spatial Poetry” section of the XIV Bienal de São Paulo, with works by other artists from the Poema/processo movement, such as Neide Dias de Sá, Álvaro de Sá, Falves Silva, J. Medeiros and Moacy Cirne.


Mira Schendel

Mira Schendel

Catalog, color print on coated paper – 17 x 17 cm, 8 pages
Schendel’s solo show with tempera paintings from 1981, at Paulo Figueiredo Galeria de Arte, São Paulo, and Gravura Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro.



Julio Plaza

Exhibition catalog, printed on paper, brochure – 32,4 x 23,6 cm, 43 pages.
Collective show “PROJECTA74”, curated by Julio Plaza at the MAC/USP, directed by Walter Zanini.

Aug. 16th – Sept. 16th, 1974


Decio Pignatari; Augusto de Campos; Haroldo de Campos; Ronaldo Azeredo

Magazine, envelop with serigraphy – 40 x 29,6 cm
9 paper sheets with monotypes – concrete poems by Augusto de Campos, Haroldo de Campos and Ronaldo Azeredo.
Brochure with monotypes on 5 pages – concrete poems by Décio Pignatari.
Poems criated between 1956 and 1957.


Nelson Leirner – Global

Nelson Leirner

Catalog, color print on paper – 23 x 23 cm
Envelop with 8 paper sheets.
Leirner’s solo show at Galeria de Arte Global, 1975.

Brazilian Art Recipes

Cooperativa Geral para Assuntos de Arte; Aristides Flafke; Léa V. Freitag; Julio Plaza; Regina Silveira; Gabriel Borba; Annateresa Fabris; Radha Abramo; Luís Paulo Baravelli; Hebe Wey; Mauricio Fridman; M. Cantíbio.

Mail art – artists’ publication, envelop with prints  and xerography on offset paper – 31,7 x 21,5 cm, 28 paper sheets.
Organized by Cooperativa Geral para Assuntos de Arte, based on the anwers to the provacation “Brazilian Art Recipes”.


JAC 1973-1974

Walter Zanini; Julio Plaza; Fred Foster; Gabriel Borba; Analivia Cordeiro; Paulo Herkenhoff; Fernando Cocchiarale; Gastão de Magalhães

Catálogo, impressão preto e branco sobre papael, brochura – 23 x 16 cm, 30 páginas
Museu de Arte Contemporânea da USP


Zona de Tensão

Hudinilson Jr.

Xerox, papel – 28 x 43 cm
From the series “out door/art door” for the exhibition “Arte na Rua”, organized by the MAC/USP


Posição Amorosa

Hudinilson Jr.

Collage on paper – 35 x 45 cm
From the series “out door/art door” for the exhibition “Arte na Rua”, organized by the MAC/USP


Em quatro desentende-se melhor

Gabriel Borba; Guinter Parschalk; Marcelo Nitsche; Mauricio Fridman

Mail art – print, serigraphy and collage on paper.
Envelop – 31,5 x 31,5 cm
Content: 3 works by Gabriel Borba: “A crise da existência em Se”, “A crise da existência em Te”, and “A crise da existência em Me”, 1978 (serigraphy with collage). 3 works by Guinter Parschalk: 2 serigraphs and 1 printed paper cut. 3 works by Mauricio Fridman from the series “Projeto Construtivo Brasileiro” (serigraphy and collage). 1 envelop by Marcelo Nitsche saying “Monte a paisagem entre dois vidros” [“Compose the landscape between to glasses”] with pieces of tissue paper in different colors.


Ditadura é uma merda

Cildo Meireles

Newspaper, color print on offset paper – 31,7 x 56 cm
Cildo Meireles for Folha Ilustrada C3, São Paulo, Oct. 10th 2020.

Enigma 1

Regina Silveira

Postcard, print on paper – 12,6 x 16,6 cm


Enigma 3

Regina Silveira

Postcard, print on paper – 12,6 x 16,6 cm


Regina Silveira

Regina Silveira

Postcard, printed on paper – 10,1 x 15,1 cm
Invitation to book launch at SP Arte



Regina Silveira

Postal, impressão colorida sobre papel – 10,6 x 15,1 cm


Super Herói

Regina Silveira

Postcard, color print on paper – 10,6 x 15,1 cm


Fora de Escala / Off Scale

Regina Silveira

Postcard, printed on paper – 14x 20 cm
Invitation to Silveira’s solo show at the Galeria Luciana Brito, São Paulo, April 1st 2013.

[Donated by Regina Silveira]


Regina Silveira

Postcard, printed on paper – 18,5 x 12 cm
Ceramic pot created by Silveira for the collection series Casa + Bordallianos do Brasil, 2015.

[Donated by Regina Silveira]


Regina Silveira, André Vallias, Arnaldo Antunes, Augusto de Campos, Decio Pignatari, Gastão Debreix, Gil Jorge, João Bandeira, Julio Mendonça, Julio Plaza, Lenora de Barros, Omar Khouri, Paulo Miranda, Ronaldo Azeredo, Sonia Fontanezi, Tadeu Jungle, Villari Hermann, Walter Silveira and Zéluiz Valero

Folder, color print on paper – 42 x 30 cm
Exhibition at Galeria Virgílio, curated by Omar Khouri and Paulo Miranda. With text by Regina Silveira about Visual Poetry. São Paulo, Apr. 10th – May 5th 2012.

[Donated by Regina Silveira]


Regina Silveira

Folder, color print on paper – 18 x 12 cm, 6 pages
Exhibition at the Espaço Cultural do Complexo Hospitalar Edmundo Vasconcelos, São Paulo, 2010.

[Donated by Regina Silveira]

Ocupação Regina Silveira

Regina Silveira

Catalog, color print on coated paper – 15 x 10 cm, 16 pages
Exhibition at the Instituto Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Aug. 12th – Oct. 2nd 2010.

[Donated by Regina Silveira]

Exposições Centro Universitário Mariantonia

Décio Vieira; Regina Silveira; Carla Guagliardi; Fábio Flaks; Karina Zen

Catalog, color print on paper – 15 x 15 cm, 13 pages
Exhibition from the program of solo shows at the Centro Universitário Mariantonia, São Paulo. Mar 25th – May 23th, 2010.

[Donated by Regina Silveira]

Enigma 4

Regina Silveira

Postcard, printed on paper
12,6 x 16,6 cm


[Donated by Regina Silveira]

Enigma 2

Regina Silveira

Postcard, printed on paper
12,6 x 16,6 cm


[Donated by Regina Silveira]


Artur Barrio

Chapbook-work by Barrio for the solo show at Galeria Montesanti, Rio de Janeiro, Mar. 10th – 30th, 1988 and São Paulo, Apr. 5th – 23rd, 1988. Curating: César Ache. Black and white print on paper, 36 pages – 21,3 x 20,3 cm.



Frederico Morais

Program, black and white print on paper, 20 pages. 22 x 15,5 cm. Documentation of the show of audiovisual works by Frederico Morais at the Modern Art Museum of Sao Paulo, between Jun. 12th and 23rd, 1973. With essays previously published by Aracy Amaral, Roberto Pontual, Mario Schemberg, Affonso Ávilla, Paulo Mendes de Almeida and Alair Gomes. Colaborators: Paulo Fogaça, Mauricio de Andrés Ribeiro, Marcio Sampaio, Luiz Alphonsus, Carlos Fajardo, José Resende, Luís Paulo Baravelli.


Extra – Realidade Brasileira 2

Moisés Baumstein; Hamilton Almeida Filho

Book – black and white printed, 66 pages. 28,1 x 21 cm.
From the collection Book-Reportage, Editions Símbolo, year 1, São Paulo. With subtitle “Kill or be killed: Edmilson’s tragedy, an abandoned minor”.

January, 1977

Extra – Brazilian Reality 1

Moisés Baumstein; Hamilton Almeida Filho

Book – black and white printed, 66 pages. 28,1 x 21 cm.
From the collection Book-Reportage, Editions Símbolo, year 1, São Paulo. With subtitle “The first book-reportage uncovers the backstage of  Rede Globo”.

December, 1976

Antecedents & Week of Concrete Art

Wlademir Dias-Pino; Álvaro de Sá

Binder with research material by Wlademir Dias-Pino and Álvaro de Sá. 117 sheets refering to the antecedents of concrete poetry and its events in São Paulo, Rio, and by Wlademir in Cuiabá. Typewritten texts, handwritten texts, sketches, revisions, collage of documents and newspaper texts, pages, books and xerography. 31,5 x 26 cm.


I Biennial Brazil Israel

Clube Hebraica; Associação Brasileira de Desenho e Artes Visuais

Catalog of the first art Biennial “Brazil Izrael”, promoted in São Paulo by Clube Hebraica. 15 pages. 21,5 x 17 cm.



Gerty Saruê

Envelop (30 x 21 cm) with 11 black and white prints on paper (28,3 x 20,5 cm each). Publication related to the exhibition “Projeções” by Gerty Saruê at A S Studio, from Oct. 19th til Dec. 14th 1996, with texts by Annateresa Fabris and Antonio Lizárraga.


Artistas Gaúchos Contemporâneos

Espaço N.O.

Envelop promoting the exhibition of artists from Rio Grande do Sul at the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, with Cláudia Martignago, Ana Alegria, Milton Kurtz, Vera Chaves Barcellos, Diana Domingues.

Nov. 10th til 29th, 1981


Envelop with works by:
Mário Ishikawa, Fabio M. Leite, Ubirajara Ribeiro, Julio Plaza, Artur Matuck, Fernando Lemos, Amelia Toledo, Anésia Pacheco e Chaves, Roberto Keppler, Gabriel Borba Filho, Gerson Zanini, Donato Chiarella, Regina Silveira, Donato Ferrari, Mririam Chaverini.



Hudinilson Jr. to Falves Silva

Mail art

Arte e Similares

Gabriel Borba, 1971

Print on paper, perforation, serigraph and photograph on paper – 47,5 x 32, 5 cm (open)

Artist’s publication, folder with perforations. Unfolding as poster of Gabriel Borba’s exhibition at the Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil, SP. Inside: a sheet with his bio note, CV, and two b&w photos (18 x 12 cm) of artworks that were displayed. The show was part of Borba’s undergrad thesis at FAU/USP, advised by Flávio Império.


Grupo REX, 1967

Facsimile – print on paper, 48 x 66 cm

Published on May 25th 1967. 1 sheet printed front and back folded in 4 pages.


Grupo REX, 1967

Facsimile – print on paper, 48 x 66 cm

Published on March 10th 1967.
1 sheet printed front and back folded in 4 pages.


Grupo REX, 1966

Facsimile – print on paper, 48 x 66 cm

Published on Oct. 21, 1966. 1 sheet printed front and back folded in 4 pages.


Grupo REX, 1966

Facsimile – print on paper, 30,5 x 21 cm

Published on Sept. 9th 1966. 1 sheet printed front and back.


Grupo REX, 1966

Facsimile – print on paper, 48 x 66 cm

Piblished on Jun. 3rd 1966.
1 sheet printed front and back, folded in 4 pages.


Gabriel Borba and Maurício Fridman

Serigraph and/or collage on paper
cover: 32,5 x 22,3 cm
pieces: 32 x 22 cm
12 works on paper
5 by Borba and 7 by Fridman.

Borba’s pieces date: 1973, 1975, 1976.
Fridman’s pieces date 1976.



Hudinilson Jr.

Mail art – offset print and stamp on postcard



Hudinilson Jr.

Mail art – offset print, stamp and typewritten text on postcard



Hudinilson Jr.

Lipstick, stamp, typewritten text and felt-tip pen on postcard
For the 1º Seminário de Semiótica e Arte



Hudinilson Jr., Mario Ramiro and Rafael Franca to J. Medeiros

Offset print, stamp, postmark, typewritten text and felt-tip pen on postcard