Conceptual Geographies – Frames and Documents

Regina Silveira

Card, printed on paper – 20,5 x 15,5 cm
Invitation to exhibition selections from Ella Fontanals-Cisneros collection at the Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery of Columbia University, New York, USA, Jan. 23rd – Mar. 23rd 2013.

Cover image: frame from Silveira’s video “Campo”, 1979.

[Donated by Regina Silveira]

Neu Dada Brothers

Anna Banana, Bill Gaglione and Harley Lond, Dona-Lee Phillips

Mail art post card with photograph

Haircut & concept: Anna Banana
Body Artists: Bill Gaglione and Harley Lond
Photograpgh: Dona-Lee Phillips



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(autoria não identificada) para Falves Silva

Arte correio com xerox, colagem e carimbos