29.08 — 12.10.24

Superfície is pleased to announce the opening of its second location in São Paulo on August 29th. As part of a special program to celebrate its tenth anniversary, the gallery will inaugurate a new space in Jardins, in house 4 of Flávio de Carvalho’s Vila Modernista. With a renovation that takes up the original aspects of the project, the Superfície Vila Modernista will offer a special exhibition program in parallel with its original headquarters on Oscar Freire Street. In addition, the space will house the Superfície Archive – a non-commercial initiative aimed at researching and digitizing documents related to conceptual and avant-garde art, with a focus on the 1970s – and Superfície Publications – the gallery’s publishing house, which focuses on unpublished projects, as well as printing artists’ books and reissuing historical materials.

JORNAIS ETC. inaugurates the new space and reiterates Superfície’s work of developing and contributing to the trajectory of contemporary artists, while also looking at historical productions, especially avant-garde ones with an experimental appeal. With a strong political and conceptual slant, the group exhibition brings together 21 artists, including established names – such as Antonio Manuel, Amelia Toledo, Cildo Meireles, Anna Bella Geiger and Paulo Bruscky – and emerging artists who have stood out since the 2000s – such as Cinthia Marcelle, Renata Lucas, André Komatsu, Anna Costa e Silva, Vitor Cesar, Marcelo Cidade – who use the newspaper as an investigative element in their work.

With around 30 works, the show features collaborative research and selection between curator Diego Matos and gallery owner Gustavo Nóbrega, presenting an initial index of different processes of subversion of the newspaper, whether in the form or language of the medium, taking as its starting point the production of the Brazilian neo-avant-garde, attentive to new languages. In works such as those by Antonio Manuel and Paulo Bruscky, the newspaper is used to disrupt the idea of information, appropriating its circulation and reach; in the works of Marcelo Cidade and Cinthia Marcelle, the newspaper becomes the element to be speculated on, adopting signs that distort it and constructing new materialities; in the works of Juan Casemiro and José Leonilson, the artist appropriates the original materiality of the newspaper for a pictorial discussion that seems to suggest the construction of a poetic-visual ready-made.

The show presents the newspaper as the protagonist of the art scene from the 1960s to the present day, borrowing from its title a reminder of the Salão da Bússola [MAM RJ, 1969], an exhibition in which the category ‘Etc.’ was set up to include works that did not fit in with traditional supports and techniques. Thus, JORNAIS ETC. mirrors the perception of an accumulation of traces and ideas, signs and images; a kind of palimpsest of information that gradually overlaps and becomes a record for present time’s memory.

The exhibition opens on August 29 at Superfície Vila Modernista – Alameda Lorena 1257 – Casa 4 – and will remain on display until October 12, 2024, and can be visited from Tuesday to Friday, from 10am to 7pm, and Saturday, from 11am to 5pm.

Check out the exibithion’s preview [PT]

Amelia Toledo
, 1973
Stamp and acrylic paint on newspaper
58,5 x 38 cm


Amelia Toledo

Emergencies, 1973
Stamp and acrylic on newsprint
58,5 x 38 cm

Ana Vitória Mussi

Avisos, 1970
Gouache and ecoline on newspaper58 x 38 cm

Ana Vitória Mussi

Morto Anônimo, 1970
Newspaper, gouache and ecoline on paper
58 x 38 cm

Ana Vitória Mussi

Mobilização, 1970
Newspaper, gouache and ecoline on paper58 x 38 cm

Anna Bella Geiger

Untitled, 2014
Gouache on newspaper
55 x 32 cm

Anna Bella Geiger

Untitled, 2014
Gouache on newspaper55 x 32 cm

Yolanda Freyre

Montanha azul, 1973
Gouache on newspaper
58 x 38 cm

Cildo Meireles

Incerções em jornais — Clareira, 1970
58 x 36 cm

Photographic credit: Pat Kilgore

Antonio Manuel

Isso é que é, 1976
Newspaper flan
57 x 39 cm

Antonio Manuel

Chupava Sangue Dando Gargalhadas from the series Clandestinas, 1975
54,5 x 37 cm

Antonio Manuel

Amarrou um Bode na Dança do Mal
from the series Clandestinas
, 1975
54,5 x 37 cm

Paulo Bruscky

from the series Arte classificada, 1977
Newspaper ad
56 x 36 cm

Carmela Gross

Jornais, 1978
58 x 38 cm

Roberto Sandoval

Untitled, 1977
Serigraphy on newspaper58 x 38 cm

Claudio Tozzi

Partigiana, 1966/2022
Print on cotton paper70 x 55 cm

Jac Leirner

Arte em jornal: Furos, 1989
58 x 35,7 cm

Jorge Macchi

Secretos, 2018
38 x 28,5 cm

Beto Shwafaty

É tudo alegoria, 2015
Chemo-engraving in low relief, brass, automotive paint56 x 64 x 3 cm

Vitor Cesar

Percepção Percentual, 2023
Jornal recortado, acrílico cortado cortado a laser e pregos
20,5 x 265 cm

Antonio Dias

Untitled, 1983
Acrylic, iron oxide, graphite and newspaper on canvas48 x 63 cm

José Leonilson

Untitled, 1985
Acrylic on newspaper
60 x 36 cm

José Leonilson

Untitled, 1985Acrílica sobre jornal [on newspaper
112 x 70 cm

Juan Casemiro

Cobertinha XXXIV (invasão) / (Invasão), 2023
Glaze on newspaper
162 x 124 cm

Vanderlei Lopes

Valor de exposição, 2018
Gouache on bronze17 x 31,5 x 54 cm

Anna Costa e Silva

Ofereço Companhia — Anúncio O Globo, 2016
Newspaper ad
26 x 32 cm

Clara Ianni

26/3/2019, from the series Diária, 2018/2020
Red newspaper clippings glued on paper
66 x 96,5 cm

Marcelo Cidade

Tentativa de apagar o Cotidiano 02, 2018-2023
Acrylic paint on newspaper mounted on aluminum plate and aluminum bar
Diptych, 57 x 68 cm [each]

André Komatsu

La Razón, from the series ‘Contrato Social, 2018
Lead, newspaper and nails
40 x 32,5 x 3,5 cm

André Komatsu

La Jornada, from the series Contrato Social, 2018
Lead, newspaper and nails
39,5 x 29,5 x 3,5 cm

Cinthia Marcelle

Anexo do Salão Azul, 2023Senate Blue Carpet, prints on newsprint, aluminum finish, cedar wood rolls with vegetable oil, cardboard roll, label
353 x 99 x 34 cm

Renata Lucas

Geometria Evasiva, 2019
Tiles, wood, cement and daily newspaper
2 x 105 x 105 cm