Libro Internacional / International Book TWO

Luis Benedit, Julien Blaine, Joaquim Branco, Paulo Bruscky, Ulises Carrión, Guglielmo A. Cavellini, John Christie, Guillermo Deisler, Leonhard Frank Duch, Jorge Glusberg, Graciela Gutiérrez Marx, Horst Hahn, Steve Hitchcock, Robert Jacks, Robert Kelly, Ronald King, Unhandeijara Lisboa, Rev. Dr. Occupant, Dámaso Ogaz, Romano Pelli, Sarenco, Angelika Schmidt, Sebastián Enrique Carbajal, Rolf Staeck, Edgardo Antonio Vigo, Horacio Zabala.

Artists’ book made of mail art works
Cover of cardboard paper with serigraphy – 24 x 19,5 cm
Content: 26 works of different dimensions, on paper, signed original pieces.



Gabriel Borba

Artists publication, envelop – 23 x 17 cm
11 mimeography on paper sheets –  30,5 x 21,5 cm cada
Texts by Borba written between 1973 and 1977


Donated by Gabriel Borba

Poesia Espacial

Wlademir Dias-Pino

Photographs on photographic paper – 12 x 18 cm
Records of Dias-Pino’s participation in the “Spatial Poetry” section of the XIV Bienal de São Paulo, with works by other artists from the Poema/processo movement, such as Neide Dias de Sá, Álvaro de Sá, Falves Silva, J. Medeiros and Moacy Cirne.


Brazilian Art Recipes

Cooperativa Geral para Assuntos de Arte; Aristides Flafke; Léa V. Freitag; Julio Plaza; Regina Silveira; Gabriel Borba; Annateresa Fabris; Radha Abramo; Luís Paulo Baravelli; Hebe Wey; Mauricio Fridman; M. Cantíbio.

Mail art – artists’ publication, envelop with prints  and xerography on offset paper – 31,7 x 21,5 cm, 28 paper sheets.
Organized by Cooperativa Geral para Assuntos de Arte, based on the anwers to the provacation “Brazilian Art Recipes”.


Contexto – Suplemento Cultural

Jota Medeiros; Falves Silva; Moacy Cirne

Newspaper, printed on offset paper, tabloid pattern – 58 x 38 cm (4 pages)
With visual poem by J. Medeiros and text by Moacy Cirne – “Da Vanguarda (Anti)Literária e Outras Questões” (both on the front page). Section of the newspaper A República, Natal, June 26th 1977.

Contexto – Suplemento Cultural

J. Medeiros; Falves Silva; Anchieta Fernandes; Moacy Cirne

Newspaper, black and white print on offset paper, tabloid pattern – 58 x 38 cm (4 pages)
With visual poems by J. Medeiros and Falves Silva. Texts by Moacy Cirne – “A produtividade (anti)literária de Falves Silva”; J. Medeiros coauthor with Anchieta Fernandes – “Cambiu, informações nordestinas”, about mail art.
Section of the newspaper A República, natal, July 3rd 1977.

Contexto – Suplemento Cultural

Neide Dias de Sá

Jornal, impressão preto e branco sobre off-set, formato tabloide, em papel jornal. 58 x 38 cm – 4 páginas.

Suplemento cultural do jornal A República, publicado em natal. Capa reproduz obras de Neide Dias de Sá intituladas “Prismas”, “Estruturas”, “Circunferências”, “Níveis de leitura” (de 1973) e “Caixa” (1970), e intruções de manuseio com as obras para seu “público consumidor”.


Extra – Realidade Brasileira 2

Moisés Baumstein; Hamilton Almeida Filho

Book – black and white printed, 66 pages. 28,1 x 21 cm.
From the collection Book-Reportage, Editions Símbolo, year 1, São Paulo. With subtitle “Kill or be killed: Edmilson’s tragedy, an abandoned minor”.

January, 1977

Nervo Óptico – Visual Poetics 1977-1978

Nervo Óptico

Folder of the exhibition “Poéticas Visuais 1977-1978”, at Pinacoteca do Instituto de Artes, Universidade Ferederal do Rio Grande do Sul.
With artworks by: Clovis Dariano, Vera Chaves Barcellos, Carlos Pasquetti, Telmo Lanes, Mara Alvares, Carlos Asap


Revista Punho No.4

Coordinated by Paulo Bruscky

Publication with mail art works by: Aristides Klafke, Pawel Petasz, Pedro Osmar, Wilson Araújo, Silvio Spada, J. Medeiros, Luiz Guardia Neto, Arnaldo Tobias, Dadaland, Bill Gaglione, Paulo Bruscky, Sandra Albuquerque, Unhandeijara Lisboa, José Anselmo Alves, Marcos Pinto, Ypiranga Filho, Carlos Humberto Dantas, Ivan Maurício, Leonardo Frank Duch, Falves Silva, Daniel Santiago, Abraão Chargoroosky, Jaci Bezerra, Alberto Cunha Melo, Montez Magno, Marcos Cordeiro, Rita Peadelli. 69 pages.


At the MAM, a global vision of the concretism

Luiz Arnaldo
News on the exhibition “Brazilian Constructive Project in the Arts (1959-1962)” at the Modern Art Museum of Rio de Janeiro, 1977

Published in the newspaper “O Globo”
on July 14th, 1977 page.41


Oncle Don Gifreu (Gifreu) to Falves Silva

Mail art with stamps


Henryk Bzdok para Falves Silva

Mail art with stamps


Paulo Bruscky
to Edgardo Antonio Vigo
International Book n.2

telegram, xerography and stamp


J.Medeiros and Falves Silva, 1977

Print on paper, 32 x 11 cm

Edition of september/octuber 1977. Essay by Antonio Gosson “Artes Plásticas: a arte pop”, “A Leitura da Cidade” by Almandrade; poems by Vicente Vitorino, Marcelo Coelho, Carlos braga, Anchella Monte Fernandes, João Paulo, Júlio César Monteiro Martins, Jacirema da Cunha Tahin, Rosana, Tanussi Cardoso and Wanildo Jr.


J.Medeiros, 1977

Print on paper – 32 x 11 cm

August 1977 edition, backcover with stamp “17 JUN 1977”.  Essay by Bruscky “Out of official discourses and for a different vision of reality’s dimension”. “Comunication” by J.Medeiros about the I Exposição Internacional D’Arte por Correspondência, 10 years of Poema Processo, the exhibition EXPOÉTICA 77, in Natal.


Povis (Project – Document 4/5) edited by J. Medeiros, featuring: Fernando Abritta; V. D. Gomes; Cesar Piovani; Leonhard Frank Duch; Carlos Humberto Dantas; P.J. Ribeiro; Joaquim Branco; Clemente Padin; Luiz Iourcovich; Adriano Spatola; Giulia Nicolal; Horacio Zabala; Pauline Smith; Robin Cruzier; Hitchcock Dadland; Bill Glaglione; Tatsuo Yamamoto; Ulysses Carrion; Julien Blaine; Emanoel Candido do Amaral; Falves Silva; Unhandeijara Lisbon; Paulo Bruscky; Silvio Hansen; Balaio; Hugo Mund Junior; Arnaldo Tobias; J. Medeiros.

Offset print and xerox on paper

Mail Art


Expoética 77, 1977

From: Unhandeijara e  J. Medeiros
To: Expoética

Offset print, stamp, collage, postmark and ball-point pen on postcard


Mail Art

ARTE Qualquer coisa, 1977

From: Luiz Guardia Neto
To: J. Medeiros

Stamp and felt-tip pen on envelope containing two impressions on bond paper with intervention of a felt-tip pen


Mail Art

Sorria, 1977

Falves Silva

Postcard commemorating 10 years of the Poema/Processo
Offset print on postcard


Mail Art; Poema/Processo

Untitled, 1977

From: Vania Lucila Valério
To: J. Medeiros

Offset print, postmark and felt-tip pen on postcard


Mail Art


Luis Catriel to J. Medeiros

Mail art – sticker paper, stamp, postmark and felt-tip pen on envelope



Leonhard Frank Duch to J. Medeiros

Mail Art – Offset print, stamp, postmark and felt-tip pen on postcard



Leonhard Frank Duch to J. Medeiros

Mail art – Offset print, stamp, postmark and felt-tip pen on postcard



Leonhard Frank Duch to J. Medeiros

Offset print, stamp and felt-tip pen on postcard


Small Press Archive Communication

Guy Schraenen to J. Medeiros

Stamp, postmark and ballpoint pen on envelope containing typewritten text.

Invitation to send material for participation in the exhibition “Editions & Communication in Latin America”, that took place in Le Havre, France.

Jan. 1977