Débora Bolsoni – "Lição de Mimese"
16.02 — 17.06.19
The Pinacoteca de São Paulo exhibits for the first time the work "Lição de Mimese" by the artist DéboraBolsoni, which was recently incorporated into the collection of the institution. Also will be exhibited works by Marcius Galan, Regina Parra and Matheus Rocha Pitta. The works will occupy four rooms adjoining the long-term exhibition on the second floor of Pina Luz. The exhibition opens to the public on Saturday, February 16, starting at 11am. Considered a crucial work in the trajectory of the artist, "Lição de Mimese" is composed of several slates cut in different formats and framed in wood, similar to mirrors. These mirrors that reflect nothing, however, can receive drawings scratched with chalk, which brings to the discussion the mimetic effect of art and its ability to duplicate reality.